Thanks to our broad experience and extensive network, we receive the most diverse requests. Some grow into projects where we like to use our knowledge to create a win-win situation.
Conservation of cultural heritage... SELLACQ-Holland has contributed to the construction of the conservation unit that is used, among other things, for the preservation of a fifteenth century cog ship.
FORABIT® Sealant... For a manufacturer of prefab concrete elements we have looked for a solution for the temporary sealing of cracks in concrete molds. An extensive search with various experiments, tests and visits to numerous suppliers eventually led us to a very suitable and unique solution. A determined approach and the utilization of our network has translated into a new product from SELLACQ-Holland called FORABIT® Sealant. A temporary sealant with some unique features and also a completely environmentally friendly alternative to the existing sealing solutions!
Click on the button on the right for more information about this product.
The Landlife cocoon... In the development process of the Landlife cocoon, we were approached by the people from the Research & Development department if we wanted to think along with them about a particular problem. Confidentiality statements have been signed and we have been informed little by little. Because of our experience with certain processing processes, we were able to switch quickly to a different way of thinking. We also engaged the right people and made a fruitful contribution to this project.
Speedy Glass Cleaner... A new way to optimally clean glasses in the catering industry. This machine provides fully automated, super-fast really clean glasses. We have contributed to the development and nowadays provide the soap sticks that are used in the product.